Thursday, January 17, 2008

Lesson 1 - Values Are Important

Note: The lessons were taken from the Truth and Honesty Teachers Manual of Voice Philippines.

We started the lesson with a game called "Red, White" (Pula, Puti) where the aim is catching the hand of your opponent which is based on the designated color for each partner. The one who scores the first 3 points will win the game. It was really a fun game and to see the children paying attention for the color to be called.

We then started with a definition - "values are a standard of right and wrong, good and bad". We taught them the sign of the hands as this is being said. Also, using the values voice - "I will choose good values for my life". At this point some examples were given so that the child will understand what it means.

The Bible lesson is found in Matthew 7:24-27, we let them read each verse and explained its meaning. It is about the two men who chose where they will build their houses. The wise man built his house upon a rock and the foolish one on the sand which was disastrous when the rain came. For me, it is wise to build your foundation (values) on what the Bible teaches and surely even when the storms of life come you can be rest assured that you can stand firm on God's promises.

Then we gave another set of examples of good and bad to wrap up the lesson. We served snacks and before going home we gave their folders for their attendance. This coming Sunday is more of a review on this lesson.

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